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Transitioning to High School

Ximena describes her lifestyle change of sleep whenever she started to go to High School and how an affect staying at school played a role in her sleep schedule.

When I was younger my parents were in charge of when I went to sleep and woke up. Usually I would be asleep but 9:30 or 10 and wake up around 7:30. I was definitely getting enough sleep. I was never really tired during school unless I could not sleep the night before Once I went to Chinquapin, my schedule did change a little bit but I was still getting about 8 hours of sleep. That did not change until I started boarding. Staying at school meant more responsibilities, causing me to do my homework at a later time. Due to these schedule changes, I was getting around 6-7 hours of sleep each night. It was enough sleep, but not as much as I would’ve liked. I would often get tired after lunch. My sleep schedule has changed again since quarantine started. Now I go to sleep around 10 and wake up at 6:20. I like to be energized and get a head start to my day.


Ximena Rodriguez

Chinquapin Preparatory School, Class of 2023


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