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Public School to Private School Transition

Angel describes the changes she saw when entering Chinquapin and how it compared to the public school she had gone to before.

Like many other students in high school, I have faced challenges with getting a sufficient amount of sleep every night. Moving from public school to Chinquapin halfway through high school of course presented challenges with dorming and becoming accustomed to the busy schedule Chinquapin students have. Having a consistent study hall every night and a schedule with other people in my same position motivated me to soon go to sleep at a healthy time. One of the major things I noticed significantly impacts whether I was able to go to sleep at a reasonable time or not was how I managed study/homework time, which I believe is a common problem among many other students who struggle with sleep. If you are not motivated by a common work time with other students or a strict designated time for it, then you are susceptible to procrastinate or not get through your work time to sleep later. --

Angel Reyes

Chinquapin Preparatory School, Class of 2021


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