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Soccer Impact

I share with you all, my experience of how soccer made an impact on me with my sleep schedule and how everything was controlled and fixed.

I entered Chinquapin while being in a club soccer team. I would leave school and drive directly to practice which would last around 2 hours. I would arrive back home at around 10 leaving me with having to eat some cereal, shower, and finish any homework left. I tended to sleep at different times because it would all depends on how much homework I needed to do. Some nights I would sleep at 10:30 pm while other nights I would sleep around 12 or later.

I began to think whether this was going to affect me a lot and I had to make a choice whether or not I needed to leave the team in order to not suffer from sleep loss. I decided I wanted to stay because I wanted to work hard to be able to do both school and soccer while maintaining a good sleep. I worked on different ways to improve my sleep schedule. I decided to use my free time at school to advance any homework I needed in order to not struggle at night. This helped me get a lot of work done and have less at night. I started to see the benefit of this outcome due to how my grades were going up and I was gaining good enough of sleep.


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